
给在交大工作的外专的一封信 ( 2020年01月31日 )


Dear foreign experts at SJTU,

新年伊始, 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情牵动着全国人民的心。面对疫情,中国政府已经采取措施全力遏制疫情蔓延。为加强新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防控工作,按照教育部和上海市的统一部署,学校研究决定,推迟2020年春季学期开学时间。具体和后续工作安排另行通知。

At the beginning of the New Year, the whole nation is concerned with the outbreak of the pneumonia caused by a new strain of coronavirus. All-out efforts are being made under the leadership of the Chinese governments at different levels to curb the spread of the disease. In order to prevent and control the new coronavirus infection and protect the physical health and life safety of SJTU teachers and students, one of the decisions already made by SJTU is as follows: The opening of the spring semester of 2020 will be POSTPONED. The new registration day & time and follow-up arrangements will be notified soon.


If you’re in China now, Please check the following notice and inform your friends and families around. Take care and be safe.


Please wash your hands frequently and thoroughly in soapy water or with alcohol-based liquid soap before eating or after coughing, sneezing, using toilet, touching or treating animal wastes or returning home.


Please wear surgical masks properly when you are in indoor public or crowded places. Remember to change it every 4-5 hours.


Please pay close attention to your personal hygiene. Open windows regularly to maintain good ventilation. No spitting. Cover your nose and mouth with tissues or your sleeve elbow when coughing or sneezing.

4.如果您从外地抵 沪,请密切关注自己的健康状况。一般需要居家观察1周或2周,每天测量体温并做好记录。观察期间减少外出,不参加聚会和集活动。未出现症状的,观察期满 2周解除观察。如有相关工作人员向您询问健康情况,请予以配合。

If you arrive in Shanghai from other places in China, please pay close attention to your health condition. It is suggested you stay at home for a 1-week or 2-week observation without attending any meetings, gatherings or group activities. Such observations can be ended if no symptom comes out in 2 weeks. Please cooperate when relevant staff inquire about your health condition.

5.如出现发热症状,请及时到就近医院的发热门诊就诊,并立即向你所在单位报告 。就医时主动告知医生旅行史及周围人员是否有类似病例,听从医生指引,配合卫生防疫人员完成流行病学调查。前往医院避免乘坐公共交通工具。

In case of a fever, please go to the nearest designated hospital to seek medical assistance, and report to the school you are working for immediately. Please tell the doctors your previous travel history and whether you have had contacted with confirmed cases and follow the doctors’ instructions and finish the survey on epidemiology. Please avoid using public transportation when going to hospital.


Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.


Foreign Experts Office, International Affairs Division

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

January 30, 2020